true north square — Glasshouse

true north square


This just in, True North Square was officially announced last week. According to the Winnipeg Free Press, it’s even bigger and bolder than was first envisioned. Excavation work is underway. The first office/retail tower should be ready for occupancy by the summer of 2018 and the entire project should be completed by late 2019.

What does this mean for Glasshouse owners? You are right to be ahead of this curve. True North Square will fulfill another major component the SHED district, making Downtown and of the SHED specifically the place to be if you want the best of Winnipeg’s soon to be more dynamic, urban lifestyle.

The MTS Centre is one of the busiest venues of its size in North America. Glasshouse is already surrounded by all kinds of restaurants, arts and entertainment options. And now, these new neighbours will be bringing lots of their friends.
